Erectile Dysfunction
WHAT IS erectile dysfunction?
Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is used to treat symptoms of menopause and protect long-term health. As men and women age, their hormone levels change. Hormone levels steadily decline after the age of 35. Luckily, HRT can help. Hormone Replacement Therapy works by boosting hormone levels. HRT can help both men and women. Brain fog, weight gain, low libido, fatigue, and depression are all reasons to consider HRT.
Can Hormone replacement therapy help men?
Men with lower testosterone levels can benefit from HRT. As men age, their testosterone levels decline. HRT increases testosterone levels in men helping with: preservation of bone mass, increased strength, improvement in libido, improvement in erectile disfunction, and improvement in mood.
Who can benefit from Hormone replacement therapy?
Both men and women can benefit from HRT. If you have any symptoms such as:
Hot flashes and night sweats
Vaginal dryness
Thinning of vaginal walls
Vaginal/bladder infections
Mild urinary incontinence
Aches and pains
Insomnia and sleep disturbance
Reduced sex drive
Mood disturbance
Hair loss
Memory loss
If you are experiencing any of these types of symptoms, come into Grove Pharmacy for a consultation. Our pharmacists at Grove can help you determine if HRT is a good treatment for you.
call today for a consultation
Here at Grove Pharmacy, our pharmacists strive to find the best product and delivery system for you, minimize the medication you take, and help guide you in making healthy lifestyle choices. If you think HRT could benefit you, call 417-881-8822 EX. 2 to set up a consultation!